3 ways to start a lingerie collection
Hello Lovelies,
With age comes the dying need to expand what feels like an ageing closet. We scroll through the things we’ve hung and folded but most items fail to reflect the stage we are in, in our lives. As a result, we feel like we are stuck in a rut. Of course, the best way to get out of this is to head out or open our laptops and purchase some newer items. However, this can feel and very well be, a very expensive exercise that most of us cannot afford without our bank accounts taking a hit.
One thing we look to enhance as we get older is our lingerie collection. What we once may have seen as simply underwear we put on as a necessity, can quickly become an eye into our current situation and status as an adult. And once it doesn’t match what we envision we may start to feel lost. Unfortunately, lingerie can be quite expensive, and building a collection that reflects our higher level of maturity, security, and confidence can cost a pretty penny.
Here at Lavinia we strive to make sure that our customers get the best quality for their buck. Sadly, even that is simply a first step in the long cash exhausting endeavor that is lingerie shopping. That is why we have compiled a list of tips on how to start a lingerie collection.
Think Colors: colors are an interesting and yet beautiful view into a person’s sense of style. Colors such as red and black are great basics to start out any lingerie collection. Whereas bolder or milder colors, may be bought on special occasions, to not only reflect your individual taste but to also …
Bulk Shopping: We all have a tendency to like what we like; this means shopping in bulk. Getting a bra that works in three different colors may seem like a safe idea until we grow bored of the bra and have nothing to fall back on. Consider, buying it in black and another preferred color but never exceed two, this way you can not only experiment with colors but also leave room for different designs. Remember variety is key.
Accessories: Garter belts, stockings, and corsets: while these may not be necessities for most. They are great quarter year splurges. I always advice to buy the first accessory set in black and then branch out with other colors. This way regardless of how you choose to accessorize you are able to blend the colors easily.
Here are three great items to start off your collection:
Have you bought any of these, or are you trying to start a collection of your own, leave a comment below!
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