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National Selfie Day: What Is A Belfie?

June 21st is National Selfie Day, so here at Lavinia Lingerie we thought we’d take a look at its cheekier cousin: the belfie.

What is a belfie? Quite simply, it’s a butt selfie: a selfie, but with your bum taking the leading role. Five years after the belfie first became part of the national conversation, it’s still starring in social media feeds—particularly Instagram—around the world.

Naturally, the Kardashians have a lot to do with this. Kim Kardashian is routinely described as the belfie queen, and it was a picture of Kardashian in a white swimsuit that kicked off the phenomenon in October 2013. She’s been posting butt selfies regularly ever since—particularly when she has something to celebrate. When she reached 27 million Instagram followers in 2015, for example, she marked the occasion with a picture revealing her leopard print lingerie.

But the belfie trend has spawned a few Internet stars of its own, too. Rivalling the Kardashian claim to the belfie throne is NYC-based fitness influencer Jen Selter. Now 24, Selter started posting on Instagram in 2012 to document her fitness journey; since then, she has become famous for her belfie shots and racked up over 12 million Instagram followers along the way. She’s also proved that a butt selfie doesn’t have to involve standing on your tiptoes in front of a mirror in a thong; rather than posing in her panties, Selter tends to wear activewear, and posts belfies that demonstrate some of her favorite workout moves instead.

Tempted to try it? You’ll be disappointed to learn that the belfie stick—a variation on the selfie stick that hit the headlines in January 2015—is no longer available. The good news, however, is that it’s easier than ever to flatter your butt. Whether or not you’re planning to celebrate National Selfie Day with a belfie, we’ve got plenty of ways to make sure your rear view is looking its best.

Don’t let VPL ruin your belfie; get a smooth line under tight-fitting clothing with a thong or a Brazilian panty.

Lift and smooth your butt with shapewear. Shop shapewear @ Lavinia Lingerie

  Sexy Sheer Lace Brazilian Panty, Lavinia Lingerie
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