Floral Design Day
Hello Lovelies, I hope everyone’s been having as much fun as I have. The tortillas were amazing by the way. And in the spirit of that, my happy mood has brought me to today’s blog; February 28th happens to be...
Hello Lovelies, I hope everyone’s been having as much fun as I have. The tortillas were amazing by the way. And in the spirit of that, my happy mood has brought me to today’s blog; February 28th happens to be...
Dear Lovelies, One of the most popular characteristics of lingerie is that it is considered sexy. More often, the image that comes to mind is red, lace and tightfitting. However, the question of the day is, what is sexy? What...
Luxury lingerie like most luxury items is a fixture for some and a splurge for others. You may ask yourself what the big deal is, or why it would even be worth an occasional buy. Well. Luxury items often mean...
Feeling grounded? We are now in Taurus (April 21st-May 21st), the second sign of the zodiac, and the sign of the bull. An earth sign, Taurus is known to be stable and uncomplicated — maybe even a bit plodding —...
Determined, practical and ambitious: that’s Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac. If your birthday falls between December 22nd and January 19th, then congratulations! You’re CEO material. What does this mean in terms of personal style? Businesslike, professional Capricorn...
This week welcomes Libra, the seventh sign of the zodiac. With the scales as her symbol—the only inanimate symbol of the 12 star signs—it’s well known that the Libra woman is all about balance and harmony. She hates conflict and...
New season, new look? We know the feeling. There’s something about the beginning of fall that has us all craving a refresh—which is why we’ve teamed up with our friends at GoBrandWin to create an exciting fashion and beauty giveaway sweepstake...
When the calendar says September but you’re determined to hang on to the spirit of summer for as long as you can, we have the solution at Lavinia Lingerie. Just arrived on the site is the Impression D’été collection from...
This week we move into Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac (August 23rd to September 22nd). The perfectionists of the zodiac, women born under this sign are well known for their attention to detail—so if anyone can be relied...