Lingerie from An Ex
Hey Darlings,
Another great year is upon us. Made even more so special by the dawn of a new decade. The sole purpose of the new year resolution is to leave the past behind and bring out a better you. It's about accomplishing what we could not before. And learning and avoiding the mistakes we made in the past.
It is with this same mindset that most of us take a page from Marie Kondo and raid our closets for things we no longer need. In the spirit of moving on and giving back, we either set torn things to recycle or things we simply no longer use for donation. What happens when you come across that piece of lingerie? Oh, you know the one.
Many of us are still holding on to pieces that were gifted to us from people who are no longer in our lives. One of those could be lingerie, and more specifically, from an ex. In general, gifts received from past romantic relationships come with a twinge of nostalgia because they remind us of the time when they were given, they can also come with pain or in some cases, anger. Which brings us to the question on some of our lips, what to do with lingerie from an ex.
Honestly, this is pretty relative and depends on your feelings towards the person and the lingerie in question. So, here’s a short quiz.
- Do you really like the lingerie piece?
- Are you on good to lukewarm terms with the said ex?
- Do you want to keep it?
If your answer is yes to at least two of this then go ahead. Love may die but sexy is forever. Now, if your relationship with your ex ended on terms were the lingerie does more harm than good, i.e., you miss them so much you want to get back together, or it makes you mad thinking about how wrong they did you. Then your best bet is to start the new year with a new pair. Do it the Marie Kondo way, Does it spark joy?
Here a few pieces we guarantee will spark joy; Seduction Complice by Lise Charmel, Cherry by Kinga, Florence by Rosme and Natty by Amoralle.
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