5 Things to Avoid Doing in the Bedroom
Dear Loves,
Once again we take a step into the bedroom and the little things we do in there. For many. Relationships and our commitment to them are heavily based on both romantic and sexual feelings.
For sexual partners, a look into the bedroom can be a mirror view into the state of the relationship and vice versa. Not surprising, it helps with intimacy and it is at the very base of it all, damn fun!
However, most partners reach a stale point, where things have either lost their spark or just seem unnecessary. Don’t worry, reaching this point is common and can very well be fixed when partners are willing to do so. Here are a few things to keep out of the bedroom to make room for intimacy.
Old lingerie. Old lingerie is not sexy lingerie while your old faithful one piece likely lasts you a long while and seems to do the trick, try and spice things up. Old lingerie every night can easily equate to a lack of effort, and a lack of effort indicates a lack of interest. Try with something new or add on accessories to it.
Talking. If the conversation you are having in the bedroom does not directly express your enjoyment or relate to the sexual intercourse taking place, you need to save it for another time. While mundane or comedic conversation during sex can be a sign of comfort, turning it into a habit is bad. It creates the illusion that the sex is just as uninteresting as the conversation is to you.
Arguments. It gets easy to let petty squabbles find their way into different aspects of life but keeping arguments out of the bedroom is key. Why? Our brains are so smart, they link emotions to actions when habits or routines are formed, this is to help us in the future but can also quickly have negative effects. This means the more you argue in the bedroom the less interested you will be in getting sexual there.
Reward systems. Sex is not something that is done to or for a single person in the partnership. Both members enjoy the activities and benefits, a reward system makes it lose its intimacy factor.
Convention. While routine is not always a bad idea. When it comes to matters of the bedroom it is important to avoid it becoming a mundane activity. Trying new things within the limits of your partner's comfort is always a way to stay Intune with each other.
Here are three pieces certain to light a spark in your bedroom; Eliza by Rosme, Olympia by Sawren, and Sollea by Anais.
Remember effort is key in all things!
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