Are Seamless Bras Right For You?
With popular lingerie retailers pushing more colors and styles of seamless bras, it's no surprise women have gravitated toward them. Why not, right? Seamless-cup bras, sometimes referred to as molded cup bras or T-shirt bras (that is, when padded), can render your bra almost invisible, providing a smooth look under your clothing drawing more attention to the fashionable top, sweater or dress you are wearing than what lies beneath.
Sounds great, but they are not necessarily best suited for every woman or for everyday use. As much as we like the diverse selections available to us today, all bra styles are not created equal. In fact, I would argue some styles showcase and support your feminine assets better, while others can detract and/or cause physical discomfort in the long term. So, what should you wear? The answer depends on you, your body type and the intended use of the bra (everyday, special occasion, etc.). Seamless-cup bras, without padding or lining, work well for smaller breasted women without "headlight" issues. If nipple show-through IS an issue, try seamless contour-cup bras as they have molded lining or padding to create a rounded, more symmetrical silhouette of your bust. Seamless bras, however, do not really provide the best support for larger breasted woman. You can wear them, but try to avoid wearing them every day. Perhaps, you may have already noticed that they are not always available in the plus size bra category. Most seamless brassieres are made with an underwire to lift and separate your breasts something that is beneficial for most cup sizes, but is highly recommended for women wearing a C cup bras or higher. The good news is that most manufacturers today are adding extra padding and seams to the wire casings for added comfort and to prevent the underwire from pocking through although breakthrough is sometimes due to improper laundering habits. If you prefer or need no-wire seamless bras, make sure the banding is reinforced with some form of elastic and seaming around the bust line and encasing/cupping the lower portion of the breast. This will give you better support and forestall the appearance of a uni-boob. Unfortunately, gravity and life changes are not always kind to our breast tissue, and we need to fight the fight to keep them healthy and perky. Support the "girls" and try to avoid the cartoon image of them drooping down to your knees :). So, are they right for you? In the end, only you can make this decision. Seam-free bras clearly give you the versatility to wear almost any style of clothing. They are practical and in most cases, are comfortable. They are not overtly sexy, but they do not have to be. Try them on. See if they give you what you need and enhance your bust, but keep in mind some of the factors mentioned above. There are a lot of other great bra styles to check out. Stay tuned for more information on the styles I believe women with a larger cup or larger band size bras should try. Lavinia
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