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Seductive Women by Axami

Does Your Sexy Pass the Test? 4 Things You Can Improve on Today

Hey Lovelies,

If there is one thing, we all know for sure it is that lingerie is certainly a sexy piece of clothing. While it is not always worn for the purpose of seduction, it can certainly change the tempo and mood of a room. It is no surprise that as lingerie lovers we would also have an avid interest in the things that are considered sexy.

Or perhaps, it became an interest after failing at what we believed was a perfect seduction. That being said, it is never truly as simple as it appears. For one, many of us find ourselves asking if we are even “sexy” and if we are, is it enough? While like most things on earth sexiness can be viewed relatively, we can all agree that there is a set standard that we all tend to follow.

Here are things you can do to improve your sex appeal today.

  1. Self-love. Self-love is very important, not just in being sexy but in everyday life. Think about it this way from a seduction point of view, the best way to sell a product is to actually like it. sure, you could find a way to sell it, but wouldn’t it be a lot easier if you actually liked and believed in what you are selling?
  1. While similar to self-love they are not the same. Whereas self-love is simply knowing and loving yourself. Confidence is having faith and support for yourself. For instance, if you had a microwave, self-love would be loving the fact that the microwave can heat food up. Confidence is having faith in the microwave's ability to do so.
  1. Yup, do the business. A great thing about masturbating is that it not only helps you release pent up stress and gain sexual satisfaction. It also means knowing and understanding your body, building a new level of intimacy with yourself. Think of it this way, how do you know the microwave will heat food up if you’ve never personally used it?
  1. Buy Lingerie. Lingerie is not only a great way for self-expression, but it is also a great confidence booster. It's like the saying, presentation is everything.

Here are a few designs for seduction; Venice by Rosme, Miami Vibe by Axami and Marilyn by Gorteks.


Sexy Plunge Bra Lace Brief Panty Blue Lingerie Set

Love, Lavinia Lingerie Blog

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