Wear Red Day
Hey Darlings,
Today is February second, which means its officially Wear Red day. What would February be without red? Nothing. Ha-ha, perhaps a slight exaggeration but not completely unfounded. With Valentine’s Day, cherry month, and a slew of other romantic and seductive events this month. It would surprise anyone if a day was not dedicated to this very red month.
Of course, you do not need a reason to wear red, but having one always makes it more fun. Even more exciting is to do so with lingerie. It’s like participating in private; a personal secret that only a few will ever know of. And what better way to celebrate such a daring color than that. If you are reading this at night and are a little bummed out about not getting to participate, don’t be. All month of February should be considered Wear Red day. And we at Lavinia have some daring collections to keep you looking and feeling good through it all. However, we can still wonder, what does make red so provocative and erotic?
Well, the scientist believes that red registers the same codes as feelings of high energy rush, lust, and risk. It brings out the more basal and animal instinct in us. That means feeling like danger and lust are fueled by the color red. Try our Madison by Sawren Set. to get in touch with your inner thrill-seeker.
We already know that the color red makes us hungry, it turns out it isn’t only for food. As intense as this may sound, research backs it up. Psychologists and biologists have found that a woman wearing red is more likely to get hit on than one wearing any other color. Another fun fact is, mem wearing traces of red are also more likely to have their affections returned. Feeling eager to test this out, try our Cherry by Kinga Collection.
Loving the red, Rosme just came out with a reimagined look on the original Eliza – Rose Collection. Use code SHOP20 to make your haul even more fun.
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